Missing teeth can lower self-confidence, hold you from smiling, and cause serious dental health problems. It’s necessary to replace them and the best way to do that is with dental implants. Implants are a functional natural-looking solution that can last a lifetime.

Here are 04 reasons why anyone ends up having severe pain in the tooth:

1. Any of your 4 wisdom teeth might be erupting
2. You may have hurt yourself and end up having inflammation in the gums
3. You may have had cavities for a long time, but now it has reached a stage of immediate attention
4. You may have been experiencing severe sensitivity for a long time.

Our range of services includes a professional property valuation. We will make a detailed inspection and advise you on home staging, and also give you the benefit of our excellent, highly reliable data on supply, demand and values in the local market.

Though causes for pain could be any, over a period, we have observed that 60-80% of such severe pain leads to a possible Root Canal Treatment in the end.

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